Village News
A page for you to read about news, events, happenings and anything connected with our Community that might be of interest to you. Whether you are a parishioner, have previously lived here but have now moved away, or have relations here and you want to keep in touch – this is the page for you
The original name for “Napton-on-the-Hill” as recorded in the Doomsday Book
If you want to research your family’s genealogy and it has a “Napton connection”, please mail to:
Also, if you have any old documents or photographs of Napton in the past, we would be delighted to receive copies of them to post on the web site.
The intention is to ensure that a record is created that will reflect the village & its community during the last 100> 200 years.
Crime Prevention
The attached crime prevention Fuel Theft Advice Sheet, provides advice on how to keep your fuel safe and reduce the chances of becoming a victim of fuel theft.
Further advice can be obtained from:
This website contains crime prevention advice and fact sheets on other types of rural crime, local crime reduction events taking place in your local area and information from the Police on current crime trends and incidents. Through the website you are able to sign up to Rural Watch, allowing you to receive emails giving details of crimes in your area.